Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Space.

My last post was about contentment. And, yes... I have felt contentment. It's my husband who is ready for his own space... and I agree. I do miss my space. And, I miss my stuff. Most of all I miss my bed. Our king-size, pillow-top bed. Ahhh. Just thinking about it makes me feel sleepy and cozy. I miss my dishes. Funny, huh? But, I do. One might think that a plate is a plate, but I would beg to differ. Grandma has Fiesta ware, multi-colored dishes... each dish and bowl a different color. I miss my Blue Willow, and Mosaic Fruit. I prefer my reds, blues and yellows... I miss my clothes. Yesterday afternoon was sunny with a cool breeze. This morning it was 54 degrees. Fall is in the air, and that coolness reminds me that all my "warm" clothes are down South. Hopefully our things will make it this way very soon. Most of all though, I miss having my own kitchen, and making "our" food. There are certain meals I fix that we have missed: artichoke feta penne, boneless hot wings, tomatoes lightly stuffed with blue cheese and fresh basil, quesadillas, etc.... I miss cooking. Grandma cooks dinner every night. Grandpa is on a strict schedule due to medications and diabetes, so he fixes himself breakfast and lunch, then she cooks dinner. I was trying to fix us separate stuff, trying to eat healthier, but it was too much work and trying to cook around each other did not work for Grandma 'n me. So, I bowed out.

We are ready for our very own space. We are still praying and believing God for the Chestnut House, but only God Himself knows how soon that will come. Until then I have decided to actively pursue apartment hunting after the Labor Day holiday.

OH! I got a brand-spankin' new lap top of my very own!! It's mine, my own, my precious.... Since I have my own lap top, I will now be able to blog more often! Whoo hooo! I got a Compaq Presario at Staples; it was under $500! It does every thing I need it to do.... wireless 'net access, movies, music, drive for photo card reader... 2 GB of memory... Good stuff! I am really excited! I can even start one of those books that is floating around in my head!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OH.MY!!!!! That Artichoke Feta sounds goooooooood!!!!

Glad you are getting to blog more...I enjoy readin' it!

Praying mucho for your 'space' wherever it may be :) ::::HUGS::::