Sunday, August 24, 2008


For some of you, this might be a "boring" post (Erik! ha!), but for others, my faithful fans (yes, that makes me giggle) you can continue to keep up with us and what is going on here in our universe.

This week has been a unique week for me. (Unique week, say that five times really fast...) I have felt contentment, calmness, happiness... peace. And, yes.. I have felt that in the midst of living with Grandma & Grandpa! I have felt that in the midst of not cooking in my own kitchen... I have felt contentment despite the fact that most all of my worldly possessions are in Kentucky and I am living in Indiana!! I have felt contentment despite the fact that at times my flesh cries out for complete quiet and privacy. I feel peace and a calmness in my spirit, like I am in a small john-boat in the middle of a large body of water. My boat is not rocking, but resting quietly on the water, yet when I look out, I can see dark clouds, rain and harsh winds. Peace.

I'm not sure how long we will continue to live her with g'ma & g'pa. But, I have resigned myself.. accepted the fact.... feel peace about living here as long as we need to. I really do believe that g'ma & g'pa enjoy having us here. I've tried to "earn my keep" as I tell Grandma. I help keep things clean, iron Grandma's clothes, vacuum, do dishes... When Grandma askes me what I'm doing, I always reply, "I'm earnin' my keep." She says, "You don't have to do that." And I reply, "Yeah, I know. If I HAD to, I probably wouldn't." So far, things really are good...

As far as house hunting goes, or house purchasing.... Well, this week I mailed a letter. It was a letter I felt I had to write and mail, from Brandon and me both. I am hoping it will "stir the pot" as far as finding a co-signer. I will not post details about this letter, or who it was to, etc., due to privacy and propriety, but... If something happens/we buy our house because if it... I'll let you know. Again, not the who's or what's, but that it would be a HUUUGE God-thing if it really did set things into motion. Ok, I know that was all vague, but again, we are praying for a believing God for miracles!!

OH! I got my very own lap top!! I am very excited! And, because I now have access to my very own lap top and I do not have to wait for the weekends or other times to "steal away" at the desk top or Brandon's lap top.... I hope to post more, write more humor columns and post more pictures! So, we'll see how this goes! So far, so good!!

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