Monday, August 11, 2008

Pure update.

I can't believe it's been about 3 weeks since my last blog update/post. It has been a really really really crazy few weeks, and when it has come to trying to type/write down my thoughts and goings-on, I have not been able to focus long enough to articulate.

Much has happened. I plan to make this as precise as I can.

July 28 we went to the town council meeting about getting the variance for the 1500 Chestnut Street house in Winona Lake. We needed to get the variance to turn the single family home into a multi-family home so we can rent out the two bedroom apartment in the basement, thus helping with the mortgage, renovations, etc. We were told by EVERYONE that we would NOT get the variance. Many people have tried. All have failed. However, we have favor with God and man. WE GOT THE VARIANCE! We were elated!! We felt victory!! We celebrated with hamburgers from DQ!


We got home late. Brandon checked his email. Our investor bought a different property, so we are left without any financing. Again, we cannot get a mortgage at this time b/c Brandon has only been working for himself for a year and a half, so our debt to income ratio is too high, thus... no mortgage. Now we felt defeated, of sorts. We have this variance in our hip pocket, yet cannot do anything about purchasing this home!


We seek a co-signer. A business partner. Our name has to be on the deed, due to the stipulations of the variance. We seek a business partner to co-sign with us, then... down the road when the equity has built up, we will split the equity with the co-signer/business partner 50-50. No cash is required from the co-signer. To me, it's a no-brainer. It is a business deal, and we believe we will find a business partner...


Until then, we wait.

So, the house hunting is at stalemate at this time. However, I still believe the Chestnut St. house is ours... it's just a matter of time.

Also, the weather has been really cool this week and reminds us that our fall/winter clothes are in storage in KY. Not sure what to do about that just yet. But, Goodwill comes to mind.

School starts on Friday, August 15th. That is just weird. Starting on a Friday. Has anyone ever STARTED anything on a Friday? Brandon will be teaching at MCA full time; I'll be part time on Mondays only, until we get more students. Meanwhile, I am looking for part time work.

All is well living with the grandparents. They keep us laughing. Tilly and Mareth-Dale have settled in and seem to be enjoying themselves. Tilly still avoids Grandpa. His booming voice saying, "What are you doing, cat?" Tilly looks at him wild-eyed, like he is a monster... then she scurries away to hide under the bed or under the stairs.

Thanks to all who pray for us! We love all y'all and appreciate your thoughts, prayers, and friendship!

I am hoping and planning to write more articles like "The Miracle Suit." Many of you said you really enjoyed the humor and a good giggle, which encourages me find the humor in all of this! ha!


Margo said...

Praying for the right co-signer to come along so that Chestnut will be yours, that you guys enjoy your jobs and you can find a good part-time one and that Tilly survives Grandpa!! ;-)

Stacey Renee said...

Thanks, sis! It's great to know you are praying for us!! I have this feeling that the Chestnut St house is ours... it's just a matter of time...