Saturday, June 28, 2008

Speed Bump.

Thursday was nuts. Brandon received an email from his main broker... basically giving Brandon the boot, saying that he was making too much money for them to carry leverage on (which means this came from their higher-ups as Brandon's trading size being too big and thus too much risk for them to carry.) At first with all bad news, we were momentarily devastated. This broker and trading system is what we have lived off of for the past year and a half. So, it was basically like Brandon just got a huuuuuge salary cut. We do have jobs lined up at the Christian school, MCA; however, there could be a month (July) with no income; AND, we had planned on making a salary and SAVING a salary... Now, to most people this might be a striking blow that sends them into a tail-spin or downward spiral. We allow ourselves about 24 hours or less to have a pity party. During that pity party we (by we, I mean ME) cry, say a bad word or two, use sarcasm and hand guestures (usually raising our fist to the sky and shaking it at no one inparticular...). Brandon paces while I look through scripture. We cling tightly to each other and pray.

As I have written before, God has called Brandon and me to a crazy faith life. And, I do mean crazy-mad faith. This is only a speed bump. We slow down, creep gently over the bump - front tires, then back tires - then, we move on. We ask ourselves, "What is the worse that can happen right now?" And, for us, the worse that can happen is that we both go out and get full time jobs. This may sound odd to some, but for us we enjoy, savor and work hard to maintain our freedom; freedom from crazy schedules where both of us are running in 4 different directions all at once. Freedom from only seeing each other 30 minutes before bedtime each day. We cherish our life together; we cherish our TIME together. I remind Brandon over and over, especially when we hit speed bumps that I CHOSE to live this way. I'd rather be here toughing it out with him, than with some other man... or single and working on my own all the time.

After 24 hours, we then pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and move forward. Brandon already has a plan. We've been through this so many times that our faith and survival skills kick in. I believe that when things like this happen - something is stripped away - God replaces it with something even better. We have no reason to believe that he will NOT take care of us. All our lives he has provided for us - needs, wants and desires. God knows that we are ready for and are planning on children; and our children belong to him... so he will provide for them, thus providing for us so we can provide for them. (Did you follow that?) We are believing God for a house. A comfy place to live and begin raising our babies. It's coming. Expect good things, and a good report soon.

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