Monday, March 24, 2008

Winds of Change.

Spring is technically here. But, it's chilly out this morning. I am still enjoying the flannel sheets, a warm sweater in the morning, and a good cup of hot coffee to warm my hands, while I am trying to chase the sleep out of my eyes...

God's moving. I can feel the Holy Spirit really moving. And usually when I can feel the Holy Spirit moving like this, something BIG is about to happen. I am excited and know whatever that is, I know that God is moving us forward toward prosperity. AND, moving us forward toward BABIES!! We are getting closer and closer to becoming parents. No, I am not preggers. We know that we want to be able to provide for our babies properly, and there are a few more things that need to fall into place before that happens. Keep us in your prayers as we seek God's will and plan for us!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I finally got a chance to look at your blog some this weekend. I've enjoyed catching up with you guys! Been so long since we've seen or talked to Brandon...I think since before you guys got married. I think I commented on your entry about how you met that I'd never really heard the WHOLE story...very cool!

I mentioned to Brandon back when we got hooked up on Facebook that we drive past Williamsburg, KY frequently. My family lives in S. from Knoxville, that's right on the way home. It'd be cool if we were able to meet up on one of those trips and see you guys sometime.

I'm very much enjoying your blog...keep up the good work! God really is blessing you guys so much!!!

~Ann Tolbert (Mamachef's friend of Brandon's)