Friday, January 25, 2008

Not in MY house!!!

Brandon and I don't have caller I.D., so sometimes we take our chances and answer the phone; other times we let the answering machine get it. This time I took my chances.

Brandon gets a lot of telemarketing calls. My pet peeve is when the call, not having practiced our last name, or even looking at it before they call us, and they ask for "Brandon White" or "Brandon Willet." I respond by telling them they have the wrong number. Well, they do. This is the WILHITE residence. (I even answer the phone by saying, "Hello, Wilhites."!!!)

If the telemarketer does, per chance, get our name right and ask for Brandon, I always say, "He is unavailable at this time. Could I take a message?" (This is not a lie. He is NOT available to talk to telemarketers...I have thought about this response. I don't want to lie and say "he is not here." One of these days we will have kids in this house and I don't want them to hear me say that their daddy is not here, when clearly he is sitting in his favorite chair, reading them a story!!) Most of the time there is no message, or they say they will call back. (Oh goody!!)

Well, yesterday was the most surprising call yet.

The phone rang and I decided to take my chances. Here is the conversation:

SW: Hello, Wilhites'.

Telemarketer (TM): Yes, uhh... could I speak with.. uhm Mr. Brandon. (What the heck? MR. BRANDON?? I thought...)

SW: I am sorry; he is unavailable right now. Could I take a message?

TM: Is this Mrs. Wilhite? (OK, so SHE, yes, SHE got it right... Wilhite. Good for her. You'll see why SHE is important... Read on...)

SW: This is Stacey. How can I help you?

TM: Yes, this is Kari (or some such girlie name, I don't remember due to my shock with her next line...) from GIRLS GONE WILD. We have a survey and sample video that we would like to send you...(WHAT THE HELL???)

Immediately I interrupted her.

SW: Excuse me! We want NOTHING to do with GIRLS GONE WILD!! Thank you very much!!!

TM: (in a sheepish, almost embarrassed tone) Oh, I am so sorry. Thank you for your time.

We both hung up.

THE NERVE!!! I stomped around the house and kept saying, "NOT IN MY HOUSE!! SATAN WILL NOT BRING THAT TRASH IN HERE!!" I turned to Brandon and explained that I had just fought for my man and for our marriage!!!

I later joked that the economy is bad, and we must be in a recession. Girls Gone Wild has to do cold, telemarketing calling!! Oh my!!



Margo said...

Oh my gosh!! That is just crazy!! How the heck did they get your name and number anyway? That's nuts! I would have flipped.

Stacey Renee said...

Yeah, I flipped. It was nuts!!

Unknown said...

WU!!!!! That's a fun phone call to get!!! Get 'em girl!!!!!