Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Houston, we have a problem...

Well, it was short lived.

We are taking Ziva back to her foster family today. This whole decision of sending her back would be much easier if she were a bad dog, but she is not; she is just not interested in us, and is very distant and stand-offish. She's skittish, a bit fearful and doesn't seem to want to hang around us. We expected her to be more engaging and stay close to us. We've been told (only after the fact) that it can take some Greys weeks or months to bond with their new owners. (Huh? Nobody told me that... Everything I have read says that they can have separation anxiety and that they want to be close to you and with their owners) Now I am learning that they are more cat-like in their personalities, some are engaging while others could care less and would rather be left alone, the list goes on. I think that several factors have come together to bring us to this decision. The fact that she is so distant and has no interest in us except to accommodate her basic needs; she is nervous and a bit high maintenance; maybe we are not ready for a dog... and maybe we always THOUGHT we wanted a greyhound, but in reality it's not the breed for us... This has been one of the hardest decisions we've made in quite a while. A hard lesson to learn, the hard way.........


Margo said...

Oh, I'm so sorry it didn't work out Stacey.

Unknown said...

It's for the best, actually...

Stacey Renee said...

Oops.. that was me... hubby was logged in ...

It was for the best... we have learned a lot about ourselves...

Unknown said...

yeah, greyhounds are very high maintenence dogs. we had one for a while and it took a LONG time for her to warm up to anyone. she didn't understand the concept of playing for the longest time. but, c'est la vie. i'm sure you'll find the dog that fits you.