Thursday, December 6, 2007

So far, so good.

This third shift house-wifin' business is not so bad. It is taking time and mild sleeping pills to make it work. (No, I am not addicted to the sleeping pills. No, I am not taking an "upper" to stay awake during the day. Though I am addicted to Pumpkin Spice coffee with Pumpkin Spice creamer. YUM!... and NO, to any other nonsense about sleeping pills...) There are advantages to being a third shift house wife:

1. Telemarketers do not call at night. In fact, no one calls at night.

2. If I want to run to Wal-Mart and get groceries, etc. at 10 p.m. or 2 a.m., then there are plenty of places to park, no waiting in line to check out, and the shelves are being stocked...

3. AND, while I am at Wal-Mart at 2 a.m., I am less likely to see someone I don't want to see...

4. I shower more often. Seriously. I realized this yesterday. I showered because I could not remember if I had showered or not. When day is night and night is day, did I shower yesterday or today? or was it two days ago? So, I err on the side of clean instead of greasy.

I have to say, it is odd being in the kitchen and cooking at 3:00 a.m. But, life is very good. God is blessing our giant JUMP! of faith. We are completely trusting him.

(I'd like to send a shout-out to my cousins in Houston, Rick and Shelli! Thanks for reading! Love y'all! Come see us sometime!!)

1 comment:

Margo said...

The showering thing is sooo funny!