Sunday, July 29, 2007

Happy Birthday, Sweetie!!

Today is my husband's 31st birthday. I am soooooo very grateful for his birth! He blesses my life beyond measure. Brandon is my best friend, ever. Period. He is my favorite man in the whole world. It took a little while for him to achieve this stature, as I have always been a Daddy's Girl... He is a manly, self-made man. I respect him for his hard work, for being his own boss and taking on the difficulties of that task. I admire him for taking such good care of me, which include emptying and refilling the dishwasher, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, scooping litter boxes, opening jars, reaching things out of my reach, taking out the trash..... I like that he worries about me, wants to know that I am safe. I know he loves me dearly because he wants me to be safe at all times!

Brandon makes me laugh. He is soooo funny. I adore his sense of humor and his razor sharp wit. He makes me feel really young, like a teen... or at least in my early 20's! ha! I admire his intellect, knack for uncommon-common sense, logic and reasoning skills... He has taught me so much about logic and reasoning... and he has taught me to do math in my head!! He has taught me more about myself than I ever dreamed I could know, or realized I needed to know.

It will be the ultimate honor for me to create children with him. I am blessed to have him in my life.. Thank you, Jesus! for saving us for each other!! I love you, Brandon James Wilhite. I love you madly, passionately, and forever!

Your Juniper.

1 comment:

Margo said...

Happy Birthday Brandon!