Saturday, February 17, 2007

What color are your glasses?

This whole being trampled on thing is a pain... not just a pain in the ass, actually my ass does not hurt... nor is there a pain in my neck. My neck is fine. It's my heart, my mind and my spirit that have been crushed. Yesterday was tough. Bless the big heart of my husband. He is trying so hard to help me pull thru all of this. And sometimes, whether we like it or not, the duty of a spouse is to, metaphorically speaking, smack us around a bit. I say that lightly because my hubby and I would never hit each other in anger. I was having a rough day yesterday, crying, feeling sorry for myself, pouting, whining, and other annoying behavior that is not becoming of a woman of faith. He had to "smack me around a bit" by telling me that I need to get out of bed, get dressed, take care of this house by continuing to prepare it for a move, think positively, spend time in meditation and prayer and stop all the whining and crying. Ok, so he was waaay more sensative than that... but, I told him he just had to smack me around a bit... and we both giggled, then laughed. What a man! Thank you, Lord for my amazing man!!!

Ok, so today is a new day. Saturday morning. We had a nice lie-in, our cup of tea and toast, and I have spent time writing. Someday... I WILL write a book. I can just feel a book inside me... and I know it will come out.. sometime. So, in the mean time, I keep journaling (I have several!), blogging and writing notes.

Here are the healing words I was given this morning:

Hebrews 10:35,36: (STACEY!!) Do NOT fling away your fearless confidence, for it carries a GREAT and GLORIOUS compensation of REWARD!

For I (Stacey) have need of stead fast patience and ENDURANCE, so that i can perform and fully accomplish the will of God, and receive and carry away and fully enjoy what is promised to me!!

Corinthians 5:7 We live by FAITH, NOT by SIGHT!

Ok, so if you are like me and are the son or daughter of a preacher man, then you have heard that verse since you were in the womb... BUT, what hit me this morning is that I must look thru my spiritual eyes.

Rose colored glasses. What do I see with my NATURAL eyes, or the rose colored glasses? Right now my glasses are more of grey color... washed out, faded, ragged... BUT, Jesus Christ has provided us with glasses covered in his blood. Wow. So, I will take off my grey colored glasses where everything looks grey and faded and washed out and ragged... and I will put on my glasses that are covered in the Blood of Jesus.

What do I see when I look through those glasses? I see all of God's promises and prosperity and abundance. I see a house, children, being a stay at home mom, a dog, a garden, a yard for the kids and critters to run and play... That's what I see. No longer are things grey and ragged and washed out..

Wow. Thank you Jesus for my new glasses. I know they were there all along; I think I lost them or they were knocked off my face during the recent battle. My new vision is crystal clear.
Praise God!!


Margo said...

Hoot!! I'll praise him with ya, sistah! That was so motivating!

We live by Faith alrighty!! Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the EVIDENCE of things not seen! You're seeing some beautiful things inside your heart right now, Stacey, and in time they will come to pass! You're going to make a wonderful Mommy and I can just see that yard full of youngins and beautiful blossoms right now! :-)

This post has really ministered to me. My family has been going through some rough times. (I don't mind telling you, just shoot me an email) I can see through the eyes of Faith that God has some wonderful things planned for us. Lately it seems that we live in a house of cards, but I know that I must continue to walk by faith, not by sight. It's a faith walk! Thanks for the reminder. The illustration about the glasses put the concept into a beautiful new perspective for me. It's all about how you see things, and we need to begin to see things the way God sees them. That is through the eys of Faith!! It's all about Faith. Without it it's impossible to please him. It's not always easy. We want to see and understand things perfectly right now, but we only see and know things in part. We have to have faith! Faith works by Love. We have to walk in Love and live by Faith. It's what he asks of us...Now I'm starting to ramble. LOL He's got things under control. Bottom line. And he loves us sooo much!

I'm glad we've met. Margo

Stacey Renee said...

Margo, thank you soooo much for this comment! Bless God that I could motivate you and put things in perspective for you. I've decided that I need to post my devotional journals. I preach to myself when I do that. I have some other devotional ideas that I have written... I need to dig thru my notebooks and notebooks of journals.. If I actually take the time to sit, read at least one scripture passage, and think, for just a sec... then God blesses me with some inspirational and pretty cool ideas...

I'm glad we have met too. God knew that in some cyberspace way, we have needed each other! You are a blessing to me! I look forward to getting momma tips from you!!!

I'll email you!

Margo said...

I'll be looking for your email. Put something recognizable in the header.

I'm excited to read more of your journaling!

Unknown said...

Great insight on those particular verses! I too have heard them all my life, especially the I Cor. one...such 'small' messages with a powerful punch!

Thanks Stacey!