Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Great Adventure!

"Saddle up your horses! We've got a trail to blaze!
Through the wild, blue yonder...with God's amazing Grace!"
-Steven Curtis Chapman

The words to that song ring clear to me. Brandon and I are always living an adventure. A life of crazy faith IS a life of adventure. Even though it is scary sometimes, it is also very exciting!! We have set a moving date: May 31st. We plan to put our stuff in storage her in W'burg, then pack my car with what we can, including two sedated kitties, drive to Warsaw and live with grandparents until we find a house, which God has prepared for us. I've wrestled with living with grandparents. No an easy thing. But, God told me to chill out... that I need to show them God's love, serve and bless them. Once we find a place, then we will drive back down here and pick up our stuff to haul back to Indiana. I do love Warsaw. For 5 years I worked, lived and recreated there, diving head-first into wonderful relationships with church family, students and family. I have many, many wonderful friends there whom I have missed greatly since being here. Since we have been living here in Williamsburg, we have quite literally lived as hermits. We have not gotten involved in a church or relationships with people... Leaving is still difficult though. We do NOT want to leave my family. We have had a wonderful year living close to them, developing a deeper, warmer friendship with them. AND, we hate like the Dickens to leave the mountains and the gorgeous weather here!! The "winters" are so mild compared to up north. I don't think we scraped our car off once this past winter!!! But, God's plan and purpose is divine and beautiful.. We will go, grow and prosper. Babies will be coming soon! It's a Great Adventure that I am privileged to be a part of!

We greatly appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we move. Much love to all our friends and family who read this blog! And now, I'm off... to saddle up the horses!!

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