Sunday, November 4, 2007

Livin' the Dream...

I have thoroughly enjoyed the fall weather. I can tell such a huuuge difference between here, down South, and up north in Warsaw. Today was November the 4th and we were grilling outside, and I was wearing flip flops!! The sun was soooo warm, and the breeze was cool. A GORGEOUS day!!!

We got a call from a GRFT representative today. I sent out the application this week. She was following up on a reference, who she could not get a hold of... I gave another reference. Yes, these folks call references to make sure we are good people... before we can get a dog. They will also do a home visit before we get a dog...before they will approve our application. I don't think this is strict... I think it is good. When people get animals, sometimes they don't realize what kind of animal they are getting.... Such as, dogs have different breed types that are bred for different reasons, purposes... Greyhounds are naturally lounge dogs.... but, do need a bit of exercise. Kinda like me... Other dogs, such as Jack Russell Terriers, need a lot of exercise. Caesar Milan says that every dog need exercise, which is the key to a mentally and physically healthy dog. I am excited that GRFT is checking up on us, and our application is up for review. Not much longer until we get a new family member!! I know our cats are looking forward to that... Ha!!

We will be heading up to Warsaw for Thanks-Christmas-Giving with the Wilhites. I am looking forward to our trip. We haven't been up there since we moved down in May. I miss our friends and family and most of all, I miss our church! We plan to stay long enough to catch the morning service the weekend of Thanksgiving. Whooo Hoo!

Blessings to all!!


Margo said...

Glad to catch up. I'm excited to hear about your new doggie companion. He or she will be a very blessed pooch with you & Brandon!

Stacey Renee said...

Thanks, baby! I'll post pics when we get the dog! It'll be two months... but, I am excited!!

Margo said...

Can't wait!

PageStoryHimes said...

Hey, girl- you both look wonderful-have you lost weight? I'm excited that you're adopting a grey- my sister had several, so if you want any suggestions, please ask. We'll look for you at church at T'giving.
Hugs and smooches, Page

Stacey Renee said...

Yeah! Page! What a pleasant surprise! I sure do miss you girl!! Much love to you!!

Stacey Renee said...

Oh, and have I lost weight?... uhm... yeah, sure, that's it! ha!