Sunday, November 11, 2007

Happy 11-11!!

Today is 11-11. Eleven eleven has always been a "thing" for me. A special number. Not necessarily a "lucky" number... just a special number. I can remember seeing 11:11 as a kid on signs or even seeing 1:11 or 111 or 1111... on signs, a digital clock is the most common sighting.. It has been a "thing" of, well a positive feeling... or a "sign" that all is well. Psalms 91:11 says that angels are watching over us and protecting us... My friends Cindy and Dale both have a "thing" with 11:11 and 1:11 (1111 & 111, etc...). Cindy is my best friend. Second only to my husband, a given that he is truly my bestest friend in the whole universe, and any universes beyond... Cindy called me tonight to wish me "happy 11-11".... and of course we had a wonderful chat!!

If there is anyone out there who reads this blog and has a special "thing" with 11-11 or 1-11, 11:11/1:11... please leave me a comment and let me know. I met a girl at Wal-Mart; she was scanning my items... my amount due came to $11.11. I told her that was my special number, and she said it was for her too... and we had a lovely chat... about our number thing and how weird that is.... Anyway... if any of you have a "thing" with these numbers, just let me know. I think it is weird, cool, uncanny... etc...

Happy 11-11!!!


Margo said...

11-11 is the day before 11-12 which is my birthday. :-)

So the testing has begun, huh? Pleeeease keep me updated. I'll be thinking and praying for you! Be patient and don't get discouraged. The time will be right.

Stacey Renee said...

Yeah, I took a test. If I were preggers, it might have explained why I felt so weird yesterday: queezy, tired all week, sore all over, couldn't think straight... So, I took a test. Nope. Just extreme PMS, I suppose! No worries.... It will be in January or February... I just know it...

I have a birthday card for you... I haven't sent it yet. You should get it next week some time. Loved your photo with your mom !

Hugs!! (not drugs... ha!!)