Sunday, September 30, 2007

From the Kitchen

When I have time, which has been sparse due to working full time, or maybe I should say that when I make time, I enjoy being in the kitchen and cooking yummy foods for Hubby and me. Today is Colts game day... and I try to make game days special for my Honey. He jerseys-up for the game, stretches out, and then plays like a pro - from the couch. Go Colts!!

First, I want to explain that our cupboards are a bit sparse. Yes, I have money to get groceries, so no pity. I mean, if you feel the need to send money, by all means, I am NOT going to stop you! Who am I to quench the spirit of giving! ha! When the cupboards begin to get sparse, I take it as an Iron Chef Challenge to get creative .... Sometimes some of my most yummy creations have come out of creative necessity.

Today I am creating a new chili. I like cooking with ground turkey; however, ground turkey can have a weird, well, ground turkey or manufactured taste to me. So, the key is to really really really flavor-up and spice the heck out of it. I put a bit of oil in the skillet, heated it... then added roasted garlic and onions. My Hubby is "allergic" to onions. Strongly dislikes them, that is. So I caramelize them, then remove them... or I could puree them, and then add them back. It's the texture that he does not like... so, I get creative. Then I added the ground turkey, and added chili powder and ground red pepper, salt and black pepper. I have a chili spice pack, and added some of that too, sorta like when I do tacos and spice up the meat. I added a bit of water and let it simmer. We had some 15 beans in a soup pack, dry beans. I boiled them good for an hour, having added a bit of salt, black pepper and ground garlic... to soften them quickly. I added the beans, meat, the rest of the chili flavor pack, and some tomato sauce to a ready crock pot and will let that simmer all day, until the evening game at 6:00. Later I will fix corn bread. And, Viola! Dinner! And we will have left overs for the week.

I may fix a dessert too, later. But, for now we have the main course!

Yesterday my mom and I drove to Liberty, KY where there is a Mennonite community. I found a bulk foods store! I was soooo excited to find this store! They have unique bulk flours, sugars, cheeses, spices and much more. It was an hour and a half drive away, but well worth it. A gorgeous drive through rolling countryside. I plan to take Brandon there next week, and take the camera to get pics for the blog. Mother and I ate at the Bread Of Life Cafe. Deeeee-lish! I will take pictures and post next week on our day retreat!


Margo said...

that seriously made my mouth water.

Unknown said...

Totally get the ground turkey thing! I use it alot, just because of the low fat...but there's something about the texture that makes it seem...odd?!?

I'm quite against onions also...I love the flavor, but have issues with the texture. Onion powder is my friend!!! Haha!!!