Friday, October 17, 2008

Field Trip & Grandpa (Highs & Lows)

We took our students on a "mandatory" Fun-Day Field Trip. We went to Ft. Wayne to the Anchor Room Book Store, Fazoli's restaurant and to the dollar theater to see Kung Fu Panda, which was a hoot! Skadoosh!

Lucas played classical music! It was wonderful!
The ladies working in the book store said
they wanted to hire him to add some class to the store!

Our kids were great! The enjoyed a much earned "free-day" to chill out and enjoy their accomplishments! 63% of our kids have all A's and B's!! We are sooo proud of them!!


We had a bit of a scare with Grandpa tonight. He was having issues with his sugar levels. We could not tell if he was slipping into a coma or if he was having a stroke. We called 911. A fire truck showed up; the fire fighters are trained for EMT and were the first on the scene. Then the ambulance showed up. He was looking much better as they took him on the gurney and loaded him up in the ambulance. Grandma, Theresa and Jack (Brandon's folks) went to the hospital with him so that he could be checked out. We now have word that his sugar levels have been stabilized and he is coming home. It was quite a scare. I am so glad that Brandon and I are here so that we can help. Grandma works herself into a tizzy. It was good that both of us were so calm and level headed. Thanks for your prayers!!

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