Last weekend I sat down and wrote over 6 pages in my journal, narrating my initial week here. However, I can't seem to find the time or energy to sit down and type word for word the entry... Since so many friends and family are asking for an update... and wondering how things are going with me here on the farm and with my new job, I decided I needed to just sit down and type a general update. I have an unexpected day off this week (due to working 40 hours in 4 days...), have gotten some rest and decided that I should just sit down this morning and blog. I will post additional pics on Facebook... today or tomorrow...
Farm Life:
I am really enjoying living in the country. The mountains are beautiful!! Brandon and I live with Kristin, a dear friend and Soul Sista. Well, correction... currently I live with Kris, Brandon is still in Warsaw, IN, and will remain so until about June or July. Separation sucks. I miss him sooo badly at times that I have just sat and cried. He is my best friend, my buddy, my lover and my keel. Again, separation sucks.
I've been feeding baby goats, who are growing like weeds. Kristin and I will both be happy when they no longer need bottles, but will be sad to see them get big. I've gathered eggs and fed and watered chicks. We have our very own farm fresh eggs. If you have never had a farm fresh egg, once you have one, you will never go back. They are rich, meaty and better for you. Cholesterol in eggs comes from them sitting on the shelves; when you eat them fresh, you consume less cholesterol. We have also eaten beef from the farm, and we will soon have fresh pork! We've eaten fresh veggies that were frozen from the garden... Our goal is to be self sustaining as much as possible. There is much, much work to be done here...
The over 100 year old farm house we live in is being renovated around us. If you have ever done that you know that there is constant dust and dirt, and once you get a section clean, stuff has to be moved around and the dust goes flying again...
Yes, we are living in a "commune" of sorts. We share living space and we like it. We take care of each other and enjoy doing so. We share chores and responsibilities. No, this will not change when Brandon moves in. People keep talking about how BAD the economy is.. and how horrible "THINGS" are gonna get. First, I serve a LIVING God who cares for me intimately and gives me favor. I am NOT fearful of the economy. I refuse to live my life in fear!! or in worry... I do believe that we are doing what HE has called us to do right now.. It's not easy, but God did not say he would give us an easy life. He tells us over and over that he will give us an ABUNDANT, PROSPEROUS, YOUTHFUL life. I rest in that.
Yes, farm life is an adjustment, but nothing I can't handle. Well, we plan to "wrestle" goats this weekend, trimming hooves and medicating them (the sore spots on hooves...) So, I'll let y'all know how I handled that!! =]
New Job:
My new job has been an adjustment, of course. I am working harder than I have worked in a long time. I really enjoy assisting the dentist with patients and learning all the medical and technical specifics of dentistry. I say that I feel like I have stepped into part reality show, part Discover Channel. There is much drama and talk among the women I work with, each patient has a story as well.. then there are all the procedures I get to watch! It's constant motion and business! Go, go, go! I like being that busy because time goes by very quickly. I enjoy working with the girls there... especially since a couple of them thought I was 25!! Whoo hoo! I have learned to take good care of my teeth. Much of the dentistry work is pulling teeth (extractions) and making partials and dentures. I have huge torri (tore- eye), which is bone that sticks out from my jaw. It's a fairly common occurrence; however, if I ever needed dentures, I'd have to have an oral surgeon "chisel" my torri or excess bone off!! NO THANKS!! Anyhoo, I get to brush my teeth at work! and I am learning MUCH!! everyday!!
Oh, the cats are doing well. It took Tilly about a week to chill out. She is still a bit apprehensive, but is doing better. Mareth-Dale just loves everything and everybody and is seemingly unafraid of anything.
Thank you for your continued prayers, thoughts and concerns and Brandon and I must be apart and as we rebuild our finances. I can feel your prayers, love and support!!
Once last thought:
I titled this "Living IN the Dream" because that is what I am doing now. I have come to the realization that I am living IN my dream... I am building my dream right here, right now. It hit me the very first morning I stepped out onto the porch with my mug of coffee and was staring face to face with a mountain ridge; mist was rolling down off of it and the sun was newly risen. I felt the Holy Spirit's presence and knew that I am standing IN my dream now. THIS is what we have been praying for. THIS is what I MUST do and what I MUST build. God is good. May His Holy Name be Praised!!!
1 comment:
Hey Girl!! Sounds like you are being blessed..God is SO good! Kevin and I are preparing for our trip and would like to stop for a visit to see ya on the way back. Sound ok to you? We are leaving 3/15 and plan to leave TN for home on 3/22.
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