Friday, December 19, 2008

Ice Storm '08

This morning we woke up to the radio saying that several school systems in the area were canceled, which included our private school! We knew an ice storm was coming. The professional weather watchers have been predicting it for about two days. Yesterday at school we had our gift exchange and party refreshments, as well as exams and end of the semester last minute details to finish up. Good thing we did all that yesterday! Our kids (and their parents) blessed us with gift certificates to Starbucks, restaurants, and much more!
We are both honored! Thanks y'all!!

Brandon had to go to work today. He has a second job assisting/working with developmentally disable adults. So, he had to get out in this mess this morning; fortunately, the apartment where he works is only about a mile away! (He called to say he made it safely!! Thank you, Jesus!!) Brandon did not think the storm was that bad. (Of course when you're snuggled up in a warm, dry bed, no ice storm seems bad!!) But, once he stepped outside this morning, he said, "OH! I see why the schools are closed!!"

I'm celebrating this "Ice Day" by drinking coffee, snuggling with the cats, staying in my pajamas all day (which includes NOT wearing a bra!! Is it just me ladies, or can you agree those things are instruments of torture?...slowing cutting their wearer in half...), maybe doing some domestic chores, but only if I really feel like it... and drinking more coffee. Oh, and I might watch a chick-flick since my man will be gone all day. (The Hallmark Channel is such a girlie station! I mean, I'm a girl, but some of those Hallmark movies are oozing with so much estrogen, even I can hardly stand watching!!) And, I'll drink more coffee and browse a holiday magazine and later finish up some Christmas gifts... Sounds like a perfect day.

When I saw the car, I was a bit amazed. It looked like it had been dipped in water, then stuck in the freezer!! We let it warm up for about 20 minutes, then Brandon used his masculine, upper-body strength to chisel the ice off. It's been mostly slush. It's only 32 degrees right now, but we are suppose to get snow on top of this and the temps are suppose to drop. It could be nasty for a few days. But, I'm fine to hold up here in the basement at Grandma 'n Grandpa's for a couple days. As long as I can stay in my pajamas and drink coffee, I'm fine!!