This is the "West Wing", or the new addition to mom 'n dad's house. They have had this wing now for about 4 years or so. It's my favorite place in the house; the porch swing is my favorite spot outside. Presently I am sitting at this table blogging... journaling. I've journaled all my life. (Funny how we take nouns and make them into verbs: journal = jouraled/-ing; Google = Googled/go Google; blog = am/is/are/was/were blogging... etc.) I have a tiny red jouranl from when I was in elementary school, where I professed my undying love for Brad Taylor. Brad, if you read this, I love you, man and wish you well; but, honestly, I'm glad I did NOT marry you! I've kept travel journals that have wonderful accounts of events that happened while I was traveling to and from Australia. I have written in journals that I titled "Letters to My Husband", which is full of entries from when I was single and waiting for him, telling him what is going on in my life and that I love him even before we had met. (I gave those to him as a wedding gift. Being a girl, I thought he'd want to read every single page and soak up the fact that I loved him for years and years before we married. He's read a few entries here 'n there. Ahhh. Love is good! ha! Eh, it was cheap therapy!)
We've been here at ma 'n pa's since Monday night of this week. It has been a much needed retreat! It's such a haven out here. They live in a log cabin on 20 acres of land. Daddy's got goats 'n chickens 'n sheep, oh my! It's quiet and peaceful. Truly a retreat!
It has quite literally rained all day long today. Brandon and I have both spent the day out here in the West Wing lounging, napping, and computer-ing. The picture below is in the West Wing; where I am sitting at the table, this scene is to my left, so I am actually facing Brandon as he sits in our leather recliner. (Mom 'n dad are keeping our couch and chair for us while we are away.)