There is a couple named Wilhite, Who holds on to each other real tight. This is their story. Truth, not allegory. Welcome to the Witan of Wilhite. (Witan: an assembly of the king's counselors.)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Miracle Suit Info.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The Miracle Suit.
Of course I spent two hours trying on swim suits at Wal-Mart. The clearance rack and I became really good friends. It handed me the pink string bikini and we are having coffee together on Friday. My last shopping stop was a department store where the designer suits were on sale 50-60% off, which means they were still expensive. After a long time trying on bikinis, tankinis, two pieces, three pieces (it had a skirt), swim shorts, skirts and tank tops, I found a one-piece. I check the tag. It claimed to hold me in, shrink my body down a size or two, lift my boobs, shrink my butt, make my arms look toned, and make me look 10 years younger. I looked at the price tag. Oh my. Even at 50% off it was almost three times what I had budgeted in my head for a suit. But, with all those promises, I had to try it on. I took the one-piece miracle suit into the fitting room. I stripped down, again making a mental note about designing floor lighting for fitting rooms and making my first million. Right leg. Left leg. Shimmy up. Pull. Tug. Right arm. Left arm. Shimmy, adjust. Oh my. Suddenly, the floor lighting seemed to get better. I looked younger. My butt was smaller. My boobs were bigger. My arms looked toned. I think I even felt it messaging my shoulders.
You can't put a price on that.
Budget. What budget. Suddenly I began to rationalize spending more money than I planned. Then, the corners of my mouth crept into a grin. The grin broke into a full fledged, ear to ear smile. While standing there with my hands on my hips admiring my new body, outloud I said, "Thank you, George W." We had just deposited our economic stimulus check into our account. So, needless to say, that department store miracle went home with me.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Limbo Daze.
Mark 11:24
Deuteronomy 28:12
'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'
Jeremiah 29:11
Behold, I do something new; Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, RIVERS IN THE DESERT. Isaiah 43:19
It feels as if we are in a weird limbo. Here we are living with grandparents, which I thought would only last a month at the most; it's going on 6 weeks now. We are looking for a house to buy. It is a buyer's market, but the sellers have not met with reality, so most houses are over priced. We've found a house, yet again, but it will take time to see if we can even make an offer. (We are making sure that we can rent out the basement apartment with the blessings of the city of Winona Lake. Brandon has to ask for a variance, which he can do before he buys...notify neighbors of possible changes; they don't have to like it, just be notified...The city council does not meet until the end of this month.) It is taking time, much time. Meanwhile back in grandma's basement (which is where our office is), I've been calling about renting apartments. We estimate we would only need to rent an apartment for 4 to 6 months at the most. Hardly anybody wants to rent to people with cats, no matter how much I tell them our cats are well behaved and well cared for. If they do rent short term and allow pets, the cost is outrageous!! The grandparents are great about allowing us to stay here, and they seem to enjoy our company. We are enjoying staying here, but do not want to wear out our welcome.
So, here we are. In this odd limbo daze.
I return to the scriptures and remind myself that God's got us. He goes before us and prepares a way. He makes rivers in the desert. Since he can make rivers in the desert, then I KNOW he can provide a simple house for us.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Back to Chestnut?
The basement apartment living room with walkout door. The current owners are very creative with their painting. Those trees have been painted on the wall. Also, the picture below is for the upstairs bathroom. It is tropical themed. This picture does not do it justice. There are palm trees painted on the walls and the ceiling feels like it's actually a grass hut.
The main concern about renting out the basement is parking. There is limited parking space on Chestnust Street, but we have a couple plans for that. A big thank you to those who have been praying for us and sending us your thoughts of support and encouragement. I am believing God that we will move in (somewhere!) soon.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Edwards Reunion 2008
This is my cousin Toni. Ok, she is not really my cousin. She is my Aunt Betty's caregiver/nurse. Toni is awesome!
My precious Aunt Betty (Edwards) Enz. She has Parkinson's, BUT she has an amazing attitude and very sharp wit and sense of humor! She cracks me up! I love this woman!!
1st cousin Teri Edwards Kopp (Kaylan's mom, Carroll's daughter)
Ms. Toni, 1st cuz-in-law Tanya Edwards
They are Texans. I love this woman. She is in her 70s and is gorgeous!!
Disclaimer: Yes, Brandon and I broke our "diet"/nutritious eating habits. We totally pigged out. And, it was DEEEE-LISH!!!