We are done with the talkin'... it's time for the walkin'. No more "I should work out...." or "I should eat better"... We have woken up to soft, squishy bodies... and we'll have no more of it!! Quality of life is being fit and active, good rest, spiritual closeness to God, and multi-generational relationships. We do really well, except in the being fit part. Now is the time. No more "well... I should but..".
Tomorrow morning, it begins. Brandon and I begin a serious work out regimen with a serious tweak in menu. I don't say we are on a diet, because it is not a diet, with the negative connotations and the "I can't eat this...." and "I can't eat that...". It is a course in how to make wise and healthy eating choices, training that we both need, training for the rest of our lives. What I like about this menu is that it is balanced. It does not leave out breads or fruits or even sugars. Things are removed, then reintroduced. We are taught portion control, which I think all Americans have lost the ability to truly evaluate WHAT a true portion size is, ourselves included.
Soap Box time: One of my biggest pet peeves is when people, women especially, say things like the following: "Oh, I can't have that. I'm watching carbs."; "I was good today; I only had one piece of bread." ; "I really should not have this, but..." ; "Oh, I gave up _____. I don't eat that any more." And the list goes on and on. Big hairy deal! NO body wants to hear other peoples' issues with food, self esteem, weight issues.... Just get your food and deal with it. Don't make excuses for yourself!! It's all about balance and moderation! While on this new menu, I will NOT say any of the previous comments. I CHOOSE to change my eating habbits and refuse to subject others to my cans and cannots. I will quietly make the proper decision, and feel good about it. With out complaint. With out whining. I will be grateful for each and every bite of food I do or do not have. I don't need nearly as much food as I think I do! So there!
Ok. That said. Moving on.
So, yeah.. Tomorrow begins our boot-camp-of-sorts training. I am actually looking forward to changing my body. I can and will control that. Brandon and I have taken "before" pictures... which will NOT be posted until AFTER we have completed our training in 90 days. We also took before measurements. Yes, this was all humiliating and mortifying. I am extremely furious with myself for letting my body "go.." (Yes, it done went.. and I gotta hunt it down and find it...), but that's the past. I'm gonna do my BEST and forget the REST. So, tomorrow it is. 7:00 a.m. over an hour of bust-yer-ass moves that will whip me back into shape! Whoo hoo! Bring it on! I'm ready to get Ripped 'n Fit!!