Last night Brandon and I went to some friends house for a birthday party. The Durhams, long-time family friends of my family, have a horse ranch called The Bar D. A friend of Janis Durham and my mom was celebrating her 60th birthday! Janis smoked a pork tenderloin with mango chutney - deeeelish! And, other ladies brought delicious side dishes to go right a long with the pork!
The men chose to stay out of this picture! =]
I'm the blonde in the red on the left. Beside me is my mom in the white shirt. Janis is in the baby blue-green shirt directly in front of me. Sue, the birthday girl, is the tall woman in the back next to my mom. I don't know the other ladies very well...

Janis wanted Brandon and me to pose for a picture.
Brandon suggested this pose!
(Have I mentioned lately that I am madly in love with this man???)
I'm the blonde in the red on the left. Beside me is my mom in the white shirt. Janis is in the baby blue-green shirt directly in front of me. Sue, the birthday girl, is the tall woman in the back next to my mom. I don't know the other ladies very well...

Janis wanted Brandon and me to pose for a picture.
Brandon suggested this pose!
(Have I mentioned lately that I am madly in love with this man???)

This is Sue, the birthday girl, with her husband Butch.
They met on the internet! And have only been married for about 5 years. =]
For her birthday he took her to Gatlinburg and back on his Harley, over 300 miles round trip! She said they had a wonderful drive, the weather and mountains were gorgeous. (The redbuds and dogwoods are blooming!! Beeeeautiful!!) The only problem she said she had was that traveling to Gatlinburg on a motorcycle limits the amount of serious shopping one can do, due to the lack of storage space on the return trip!!! =]
They met on the internet! And have only been married for about 5 years. =]
For her birthday he took her to Gatlinburg and back on his Harley, over 300 miles round trip! She said they had a wonderful drive, the weather and mountains were gorgeous. (The redbuds and dogwoods are blooming!! Beeeeautiful!!) The only problem she said she had was that traveling to Gatlinburg on a motorcycle limits the amount of serious shopping one can do, due to the lack of storage space on the return trip!!! =]