Friday, December 19, 2008

Ice Storm '08

This morning we woke up to the radio saying that several school systems in the area were canceled, which included our private school! We knew an ice storm was coming. The professional weather watchers have been predicting it for about two days. Yesterday at school we had our gift exchange and party refreshments, as well as exams and end of the semester last minute details to finish up. Good thing we did all that yesterday! Our kids (and their parents) blessed us with gift certificates to Starbucks, restaurants, and much more!
We are both honored! Thanks y'all!!

Brandon had to go to work today. He has a second job assisting/working with developmentally disable adults. So, he had to get out in this mess this morning; fortunately, the apartment where he works is only about a mile away! (He called to say he made it safely!! Thank you, Jesus!!) Brandon did not think the storm was that bad. (Of course when you're snuggled up in a warm, dry bed, no ice storm seems bad!!) But, once he stepped outside this morning, he said, "OH! I see why the schools are closed!!"

I'm celebrating this "Ice Day" by drinking coffee, snuggling with the cats, staying in my pajamas all day (which includes NOT wearing a bra!! Is it just me ladies, or can you agree those things are instruments of torture?...slowing cutting their wearer in half...), maybe doing some domestic chores, but only if I really feel like it... and drinking more coffee. Oh, and I might watch a chick-flick since my man will be gone all day. (The Hallmark Channel is such a girlie station! I mean, I'm a girl, but some of those Hallmark movies are oozing with so much estrogen, even I can hardly stand watching!!) And, I'll drink more coffee and browse a holiday magazine and later finish up some Christmas gifts... Sounds like a perfect day.

When I saw the car, I was a bit amazed. It looked like it had been dipped in water, then stuck in the freezer!! We let it warm up for about 20 minutes, then Brandon used his masculine, upper-body strength to chisel the ice off. It's been mostly slush. It's only 32 degrees right now, but we are suppose to get snow on top of this and the temps are suppose to drop. It could be nasty for a few days. But, I'm fine to hold up here in the basement at Grandma 'n Grandpa's for a couple days. As long as I can stay in my pajamas and drink coffee, I'm fine!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Quiet Sunday Morning: Random thoughts.

It's hard to believe it's been over a month since my last post. It's been crazy here. We were in Bloomington, IN for a wedding a few weeks ago. Then I spent a week in KY visiting family and friends. Then back to Warsaw, school/work.. sleep... then do it again.

I spend most of my computer-time on Facebook, which is the most ingenious networking system. For those of you not on FB (as it is abbreviated), I highly recommend it. I think it is for a more "mature" crowd than those on MySpace, which is mostly geared toward teens and music fans. Just two days ago, I had a guy contact me. I knew him in elementary school!! I had not seen or heard from him in *gulp* about 25 years!!!! And, as my "friend base" has grown to over 400 (!!), I've realized that the number of people I have come in contact with, the number of people who have been a part of my life... the number of people I have touched... Well, it's just mind boggling!!

I also want to say I am grateful to those of you who read my blog. I'm sorry it has not been kept up to date. There is so much more I would like to add, but since this is a public forum of sorts, I cannot post everything... not just yet. When you think of us or read this blog, just say a prayer for us. Our marriage is awesome. We are very healthy. So, praise God for that! But, there are other things that need prayer and attentions. Believe with us for miracles and God's divine, perfect will to be done!!

It is snowing here this morning. Big, fluffy flakes. It's quite beautiful, really. Brandon has started working a second job, and is gone - working- this morning. I'm still in my robe, reading, reflecting, writing and praying. The cats are curled up, sleeping. Tilly is in her "den" - a corner of the room with her special blanket and a basket. She alternates from the corner with the blanket, to the basket. If I listen carefully, I can hear her snoring. Mareth-Dale is curled up on a pillow next to me. Her furry, grey paw is curled over her nose, and she is sound asleep, breathing deeply. I enjoy the quiet serenity of cats. They sleep a lot, and are very calming. And, I love the fact that I don't have to take them outside to go potty, especially on a snowy day like today!!

Sometimes, when I think about blogging... I get hung up on the fact that I THINK I need pictures. I love reading other people's blogs, especially when they have pictures to illustrate what they are talking about. So, sometimes I don't blog because I think, "well, I don't have a picture for that" or "I have pictures for a great blog post, but I don't have time to upload them all and write about each of them." Enough of that. I am going to start posting more often. Even if it is random thoughts. Isn't that what a blog is? An online journal.

Tilly has shifted from the corner blanket to her basket. Mareth is still sound asleep, oblivious to my tip-tapping on the keyboard. The twitching of her feet, ears and whiskers lets me know that she is SOUND asleep, probably dreaming.. Ah, to be a cat!!

Hmmm. I suppose that's all for now. I hope all of you are well and prospering! Again, thanks for reading!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Autumn Rain.

This is the "West Wing", or the new addition to mom 'n dad's house. They have had this wing now for about 4 years or so. It's my favorite place in the house; the porch swing is my favorite spot outside. Presently I am sitting at this table blogging... journaling. I've journaled all my life. (Funny how we take nouns and make them into verbs: journal = jouraled/-ing; Google = Googled/go Google; blog = am/is/are/was/were blogging... etc.) I have a tiny red jouranl from when I was in elementary school, where I professed my undying love for Brad Taylor. Brad, if you read this, I love you, man and wish you well; but, honestly, I'm glad I did NOT marry you! I've kept travel journals that have wonderful accounts of events that happened while I was traveling to and from Australia. I have written in journals that I titled "Letters to My Husband", which is full of entries from when I was single and waiting for him, telling him what is going on in my life and that I love him even before we had met. (I gave those to him as a wedding gift. Being a girl, I thought he'd want to read every single page and soak up the fact that I loved him for years and years before we married. He's read a few entries here 'n there. Ahhh. Love is good! ha! Eh, it was cheap therapy!)

We've been here at ma 'n pa's since Monday night of this week. It has been a much needed retreat! It's such a haven out here. They live in a log cabin on 20 acres of land. Daddy's got goats 'n chickens 'n sheep, oh my! It's quiet and peaceful. Truly a retreat!

It has quite literally rained all day long today. Brandon and I have both spent the day out here in the West Wing lounging, napping, and computer-ing. The picture below is in the West Wing; where I am sitting at the table, this scene is to my left, so I am actually facing Brandon as he sits in our leather recliner. (Mom 'n dad are keeping our couch and chair for us while we are away.)

The picture above shows rain on my mom's Trailblazer. And, the picture below is my brother Luke's jeep. It's shiny because it is wet from the rain! Did I mention that it has rained all day? Actually I'm not complaining one bit. The West Wing has a metal roof. The rain has truly been melodious and soothing, no wonder I took a 2 hour nap on that red couch!

My favorite spot: the porch swing.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Field Trip & Grandpa (Highs & Lows)

We took our students on a "mandatory" Fun-Day Field Trip. We went to Ft. Wayne to the Anchor Room Book Store, Fazoli's restaurant and to the dollar theater to see Kung Fu Panda, which was a hoot! Skadoosh!

Lucas played classical music! It was wonderful!
The ladies working in the book store said
they wanted to hire him to add some class to the store!

Our kids were great! The enjoyed a much earned "free-day" to chill out and enjoy their accomplishments! 63% of our kids have all A's and B's!! We are sooo proud of them!!


We had a bit of a scare with Grandpa tonight. He was having issues with his sugar levels. We could not tell if he was slipping into a coma or if he was having a stroke. We called 911. A fire truck showed up; the fire fighters are trained for EMT and were the first on the scene. Then the ambulance showed up. He was looking much better as they took him on the gurney and loaded him up in the ambulance. Grandma, Theresa and Jack (Brandon's folks) went to the hospital with him so that he could be checked out. We now have word that his sugar levels have been stabilized and he is coming home. It was quite a scare. I am so glad that Brandon and I are here so that we can help. Grandma works herself into a tizzy. It was good that both of us were so calm and level headed. Thanks for your prayers!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

From the Funny Farm

Saturday mornings are my favorite mornings. I get to sleep-in, lay around in my pajamas all day, and watch cartoons. Yesterday morning Brandon got up early, so I had the WHOLE bed to myself to stretch out and snuggle under the covers. I was just heading back to a second round of REM sleep when the following boisterous conversation woke me up with a start:

Grandpa: It won't kick on at 76.

Grandma: What's the problem?

Grandpa: What?


(...which was being YELLED just outside my very thin door...)

G'pa: Oh. Ah, well, I think the problem is in the thermostat.

G'ma: What?


G'ma: What's the matter?

G'pa: It's not kicking on at 76.

G'ma: Should I call the repair guy?

G'pa: What?


G'pa: I don't want to pay some guy to fix it!

G'ma: Well, then what should we do?

G'pa: WHAT?


G'pa: I guess I'll have to call the repair guy.

Yes, I was laying in bed trying to stifle my giggles.

Grandma calls the repair guy and he shows up at 10:30. (Right in the middle of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...) He checks the furnace in the basement, where we were watching cartoons. He seemed like a competent man, probably has been fixing furnaces for 10 years or more. We had a chit-chat about Kentucky; he has family from there, around the Richmond and Renfro Valley area. He then goes back up stairs. Grandpa proceeds to tell the repair guy that the problem is in the thermostat. The guy checks it. Grandpa's voice gets gruff and he insists that the issue is in the thermostat. The heat will kick on if it is set to 72, but not if it is set to 76. The repair guy said it takes a bit before it will kick on, but Grandpa insists. The guy calls his boss. The guy leaves, then eventually comes back. Badda-boo, badda-bing, new thermostat.

Grandpa: I don't get any pleasure in tellin' a guy how to do his job.

Yeah, right. Grandpa LOOKS for problems, finds them, then enjoys telling people how to fix them, where to go, what to do...all the while arguing and ranting and raving.

The story does not end here.

I had been out shopping during the afternoon. (Goodwill had a 50% off sale day. And I found a formal dress at Elder-Beerman's; the original price was $140, and I got it for $10.69. I should have bought a Lottery ticket yesterday, but since I don't buy'em, why start now...) I came home and the house was HOT. Hot and stuffy. Grandpa is very sensative to heat and cold. I'm not sure if it is his ailments or if he just likes to make a big deal and fuss about the tempature; I presume it's a bit of both with a heavy helping of the latter. As I unloaded my purchases, this is what I heard him to say.

G'pa: It's too hot. I'm gonna turn on the air conditioning.

I decended the stairs into the basement to find my huband on the desk top computer. Brandon said, "Did I just hear Grandpa say he is going to turn on the air conditioning??"

"Yes, that is what you heard, " I replied.

"Am I the only one who sees the irony in that? " he laughed.

I commented, "No, not the only one." We laughed and laughed. Then Brandon said,

"Welcome to the Funny Farm."

Monday, September 29, 2008

Randon Kid Conversations

I have always loved being a teacher. Teaching is in my blood. Being a TEACHER is not only what I do, it is who I am.

I love random kid conversations. So far, I have had two really funny random kid conversations:

In English class with my Fantastic Four Freshmen, we were discussing grammar, when to use a colon and a comma when writing a letter. When writing a formal letter, one should use a colon after the greeting. After I shared this with students, I gave this example: (note the colon...)

"Students, use a colon after you use such greetings as 'Dear Sir or Madame:' or 'To Whom It May Concern. '"

*Larry pipes up and says, "or 'You People:'"

I laughed so hard I almost fell out of my chair!!

then after lunch...

*Liberty was discussing using air freshener after one goes "poo" in the restroom. She said that if it is an apple scent, it smells like "someone just pooped an apple." I laughed soooo hard. I have often thought that many air fresheners do not truly cover up the poo smell. Then I said, some air fresheners smell like some one just pooped a tropical breeze... and of course there was another round of laughter, as we each began to come up with the next funniest poop smell.

Ahhh, yes.. I love teaching.


*I have changed students' names to protect the guilty... er innocent, that is.. ha.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

My Cinna-Bun.

Last Saturday Brandon and I decided to get out for an Indiana countryside drive. We started out headed to Nappanee which is about 25 minutes from here, north by northwest. When we got there, nothing was going on; we drove through the town in two minutes, then decided that we'd rather head over to Shipshewana, which was in the exact opposite direction and about an hour away. But, what the hay! We were out mainly to just be out. The sun was shining, the breeze was cool, and the Amish were out in droves! Brandon drove, I rode shot-gun, and we chatted, enjoying the view. Black Amish buggies clip-clopped along the side of the road, baring their safety orange triangle. The "shoulder" of the road is used as a buggy lane, which we called the "poo" lane. Much horse poo covered both shoulders, signifying much buggy activity. We laughed about the poo lane, and taking Poo Avenue into town. A couple times we saw two young Amish girls in a small rig pulled by a loyal pony. They were so cute as they reigned the pony into the poo lane; the pony trotting along, doing its duty proudly. (Not realizing he is an Amish pony and that trotting proudly is a sin.) The countryside was beautiful. Farm after farm. The Amish homes are easily reccognizable. They do not have electrical wires running to the house, and they have paddocks with big, Belgin work horses; several paddocks had foals.

In Shipshewana there is a store called E & S Sales, a bulk food store that has wonderfully delicious spices, flours, cheeses, butter, bacon, baking supplies, etc. So we decided to stop by there and pick up a few items, since we were in the neighborhood. We arrived at 4:30, they closed at 4:00! Bummer. There is a well-known restaurant, hotel, and shopping plaza know as Das Dutchman Essenhaus or "Essen-house", as we "English" call it. ("English" is what the Amish call the non-Amish.) The food there is wonderful!! and is reasonably priced, but the parking lot was full. So, instead of wading through the crowd, we decided to patron a small restaruant called The 5 & 20. (I could not find a weblink for this one...) Brandon wanted pie, good Amish pie. I am not much of a pie eater. I prefer cake, but as I skimmed over the menu I saw they had cinnamon rolls. I was thinking Pilsbury size, you know, the ones that come out of the can, you unroll, slap on the baking sheet and bake. But, oh no! Not in Amishland. To my surprise and delight, the server, a modern "English" woman with long, curly auburn hair and bright green eyes, set the colassal, awe-inspiring cinnamon roll in front of me. The aroma of its buttery goodness intoxicated my senses. Immediately I was enveloped in its yeasty spell. It was served on a small plate, making the treat look even larger! Right then and there I made a decision: Yes, I WILL eat all of this. I enjoyed every sweet, yeasty-cinnamon-butter-filled bite. I made soft "yummmm" humming sounds as I chewed and washed it down with the perfect cup of coffee. A couple of the Amish servers looked at me oddly, then seemed relieved to know I was a married woman.

Our day out was well worth the drive.

Beware. Pictures of the cinnamon roll are included in this post. Be fore-warned that these picutres will cause you to drool.

(Yes, I find it ironic that I was able to find internet weblinks to Amish stores and restaurants...)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Decisions, decisions

Sometimes I don't like being a grown-up. Making those hard decision is just no fun. But, we have sorted our priorities, and we "Boot-Strap" Wilhites have pulled ourselves up by our proverbial boot-straps and are marching forward!

Those hard decisions include:

1. Continuing to live with Grandma & Grandpa until spring or even next summer. Rents are sky high, and at present, buying a house is out of the equation. Living here is quite comfortable. We mostly hang out in the basement, entertained by a large big screen TV with losts of comfy couch space. Oh, and did I mention Grandma fixes dinner every night! Mareth-Dale & Tilly are quite comfy and occasionally they grace Grandpa with sitting in his lap, which we believe he secretly likes.

2. Brandon is planning to get another job, in addition to teaching. We love teaching at the school, but it does NOT pay nearly enough to live off of. For now, trading has been put on the warm back-burner. As many of you have seen in the news, the economy and markets are NUTS. We were hit pretty hard, but are faring much better than some. I am proud of Brandon's gallant efforts to keep our boat afloat!

Those are the main two decisions. I have not updated in awhile, due to the fact that we have been battling these decisions in full battle armor, including flaming arrows, swords and shields. We have a few wounds healing and some battle scars, but we are, of course, rising VICTORIOUS!!

For now, I am out of metaphors... so, I'll close this entry. More soon.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Space.

My last post was about contentment. And, yes... I have felt contentment. It's my husband who is ready for his own space... and I agree. I do miss my space. And, I miss my stuff. Most of all I miss my bed. Our king-size, pillow-top bed. Ahhh. Just thinking about it makes me feel sleepy and cozy. I miss my dishes. Funny, huh? But, I do. One might think that a plate is a plate, but I would beg to differ. Grandma has Fiesta ware, multi-colored dishes... each dish and bowl a different color. I miss my Blue Willow, and Mosaic Fruit. I prefer my reds, blues and yellows... I miss my clothes. Yesterday afternoon was sunny with a cool breeze. This morning it was 54 degrees. Fall is in the air, and that coolness reminds me that all my "warm" clothes are down South. Hopefully our things will make it this way very soon. Most of all though, I miss having my own kitchen, and making "our" food. There are certain meals I fix that we have missed: artichoke feta penne, boneless hot wings, tomatoes lightly stuffed with blue cheese and fresh basil, quesadillas, etc.... I miss cooking. Grandma cooks dinner every night. Grandpa is on a strict schedule due to medications and diabetes, so he fixes himself breakfast and lunch, then she cooks dinner. I was trying to fix us separate stuff, trying to eat healthier, but it was too much work and trying to cook around each other did not work for Grandma 'n me. So, I bowed out.

We are ready for our very own space. We are still praying and believing God for the Chestnut House, but only God Himself knows how soon that will come. Until then I have decided to actively pursue apartment hunting after the Labor Day holiday.

OH! I got a brand-spankin' new lap top of my very own!! It's mine, my own, my precious.... Since I have my own lap top, I will now be able to blog more often! Whoo hooo! I got a Compaq Presario at Staples; it was under $500! It does every thing I need it to do.... wireless 'net access, movies, music, drive for photo card reader... 2 GB of memory... Good stuff! I am really excited! I can even start one of those books that is floating around in my head!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


For some of you, this might be a "boring" post (Erik! ha!), but for others, my faithful fans (yes, that makes me giggle) you can continue to keep up with us and what is going on here in our universe.

This week has been a unique week for me. (Unique week, say that five times really fast...) I have felt contentment, calmness, happiness... peace. And, yes.. I have felt that in the midst of living with Grandma & Grandpa! I have felt that in the midst of not cooking in my own kitchen... I have felt contentment despite the fact that most all of my worldly possessions are in Kentucky and I am living in Indiana!! I have felt contentment despite the fact that at times my flesh cries out for complete quiet and privacy. I feel peace and a calmness in my spirit, like I am in a small john-boat in the middle of a large body of water. My boat is not rocking, but resting quietly on the water, yet when I look out, I can see dark clouds, rain and harsh winds. Peace.

I'm not sure how long we will continue to live her with g'ma & g'pa. But, I have resigned myself.. accepted the fact.... feel peace about living here as long as we need to. I really do believe that g'ma & g'pa enjoy having us here. I've tried to "earn my keep" as I tell Grandma. I help keep things clean, iron Grandma's clothes, vacuum, do dishes... When Grandma askes me what I'm doing, I always reply, "I'm earnin' my keep." She says, "You don't have to do that." And I reply, "Yeah, I know. If I HAD to, I probably wouldn't." So far, things really are good...

As far as house hunting goes, or house purchasing.... Well, this week I mailed a letter. It was a letter I felt I had to write and mail, from Brandon and me both. I am hoping it will "stir the pot" as far as finding a co-signer. I will not post details about this letter, or who it was to, etc., due to privacy and propriety, but... If something happens/we buy our house because if it... I'll let you know. Again, not the who's or what's, but that it would be a HUUUGE God-thing if it really did set things into motion. Ok, I know that was all vague, but again, we are praying for a believing God for miracles!!

OH! I got my very own lap top!! I am very excited! And, because I now have access to my very own lap top and I do not have to wait for the weekends or other times to "steal away" at the desk top or Brandon's lap top.... I hope to post more, write more humor columns and post more pictures! So, we'll see how this goes! So far, so good!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

To SEE a Who..

Living here with Grandma and Grandpa keeps us laughing. The following is a true account with minimal embellishments:

One morning I sat on the porch enjoying my cup of Grandma's strong coffee, making a mental note about how I don't like coffee grounds in my coffee, and enjoying a cool summer breeze. The living room window was open, and I heard the following exchange:

G'ma (obviously had her purse over her shoulder): I'm taking the [grand] kids to the movie.

G'pa: Where are you going?

G'ma: I'm taking the little guys to see "Horton *SEES a Who!"

G'pa: WHAT?


G'pa: Going to the movie, huh? What are you going to see?


I could then hear her stomp off mumbling insults under her breath like Kreacher, the disgruntled house elf from Harry Potter.

G'pa: What'd I say?

They could give Abbott and Costello a run for their money.

By the end of this exchange, I was shaking so hard from stifling my giggle fit that I had to set my coffee mug down and cover my mouth with both hands. I heard Grandma coming outside. I collected myself as best I could. She came outside on the porch, purse over her shoulder, just as I predicted. I said with a straight face,

"Where are you going?"


* Yes, she said SEES, not HEARS. My 5 year old nephew said how could you SEE a Who. That's the point of the movie. Whos cannot be seen. And, if you were wondering why she is going to the movie in the morning... during the summer our local movie theater shows free second run movies once a week for kids.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Pure update.

I can't believe it's been about 3 weeks since my last blog update/post. It has been a really really really crazy few weeks, and when it has come to trying to type/write down my thoughts and goings-on, I have not been able to focus long enough to articulate.

Much has happened. I plan to make this as precise as I can.

July 28 we went to the town council meeting about getting the variance for the 1500 Chestnut Street house in Winona Lake. We needed to get the variance to turn the single family home into a multi-family home so we can rent out the two bedroom apartment in the basement, thus helping with the mortgage, renovations, etc. We were told by EVERYONE that we would NOT get the variance. Many people have tried. All have failed. However, we have favor with God and man. WE GOT THE VARIANCE! We were elated!! We felt victory!! We celebrated with hamburgers from DQ!


We got home late. Brandon checked his email. Our investor bought a different property, so we are left without any financing. Again, we cannot get a mortgage at this time b/c Brandon has only been working for himself for a year and a half, so our debt to income ratio is too high, thus... no mortgage. Now we felt defeated, of sorts. We have this variance in our hip pocket, yet cannot do anything about purchasing this home!


We seek a co-signer. A business partner. Our name has to be on the deed, due to the stipulations of the variance. We seek a business partner to co-sign with us, then... down the road when the equity has built up, we will split the equity with the co-signer/business partner 50-50. No cash is required from the co-signer. To me, it's a no-brainer. It is a business deal, and we believe we will find a business partner...


Until then, we wait.

So, the house hunting is at stalemate at this time. However, I still believe the Chestnut St. house is ours... it's just a matter of time.

Also, the weather has been really cool this week and reminds us that our fall/winter clothes are in storage in KY. Not sure what to do about that just yet. But, Goodwill comes to mind.

School starts on Friday, August 15th. That is just weird. Starting on a Friday. Has anyone ever STARTED anything on a Friday? Brandon will be teaching at MCA full time; I'll be part time on Mondays only, until we get more students. Meanwhile, I am looking for part time work.

All is well living with the grandparents. They keep us laughing. Tilly and Mareth-Dale have settled in and seem to be enjoying themselves. Tilly still avoids Grandpa. His booming voice saying, "What are you doing, cat?" Tilly looks at him wild-eyed, like he is a monster... then she scurries away to hide under the bed or under the stairs.

Thanks to all who pray for us! We love all y'all and appreciate your thoughts, prayers, and friendship!

I am hoping and planning to write more articles like "The Miracle Suit." Many of you said you really enjoyed the humor and a good giggle, which encourages me find the humor in all of this! ha!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Miracle Suit Info.

I've had several people ask me about the miracle swim suit. The brand name of the miracle suit is Trimshaper. This link will take you to the exact color and style of the suit I bought. I purchased it at Kolh's for $44, which includes tax. The original price was $80. I also bought a pair of swim shorts to wear with it, just because I feel more comfortable with my bum covered completely. Hope this helps!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Miracle Suit.

The whole family has decided to visit a water park on Sunday. So, I spent 3 hours today trying on swim suits. It's been at least 6 years since I bought a swim suit. And since my last purchase, the swim suits have gotten smaller, and the lighting in the fitting rooms has gotten worse. Has anyone else noticed the poor lighting, or is it just me? Personally, I think the lighting should be on the floor, and light my bum from the ground up. Yes, that's what I said. Ponder that.

Of course I spent two hours trying on swim suits at Wal-Mart. The clearance rack and I became really good friends. It handed me the pink string bikini and we are having coffee together on Friday. My last shopping stop was a department store where the designer suits were on sale 50-60% off, which means they were still expensive. After a long time trying on bikinis, tankinis, two pieces, three pieces (it had a skirt), swim shorts, skirts and tank tops, I found a one-piece. I check the tag. It claimed to hold me in, shrink my body down a size or two, lift my boobs, shrink my butt, make my arms look toned, and make me look 10 years younger. I looked at the price tag. Oh my. Even at 50% off it was almost three times what I had budgeted in my head for a suit. But, with all those promises, I had to try it on. I took the one-piece miracle suit into the fitting room. I stripped down, again making a mental note about designing floor lighting for fitting rooms and making my first million. Right leg. Left leg. Shimmy up. Pull. Tug. Right arm. Left arm. Shimmy, adjust. Oh my. Suddenly, the floor lighting seemed to get better. I looked younger. My butt was smaller. My boobs were bigger. My arms looked toned. I think I even felt it messaging my shoulders.

You can't put a price on that.

Budget. What budget. Suddenly I began to rationalize spending more money than I planned. Then, the corners of my mouth crept into a grin. The grin broke into a full fledged, ear to ear smile. While standing there with my hands on my hips admiring my new body, outloud I said, "Thank you, George W." We had just deposited our economic stimulus check into our account. So, needless to say, that department store miracle went home with me.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Limbo Daze.

Therefore I say to you, ALL things for which you pray and ask, BELIEVE that you have received them, and they will be granted you.
Mark 11:24

The Lord open for you His good storehouse, the HEAVENS, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.
Deuteronomy 28:12

'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'
Jeremiah 29:11

Behold, I do something new; Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, RIVERS IN THE DESERT. Isaiah 43:19

If you just read those scriptures, read them again. And, then read them again. After about the third time, you will see a pattern. The repetition of God's assurance of prosperity, that He is with us... blesses what we put our hands to... He has a future for us... He is doing something new... AND, He makes RIVERS in the desert! I preface this blog entry by saying all of that first, mainly because I need to be reminded. Sometimes daily.

It feels as if we are in a weird limbo. Here we are living with grandparents, which I thought would only last a month at the most; it's going on 6 weeks now. We are looking for a house to buy. It is a buyer's market, but the sellers have not met with reality, so most houses are over priced. We've found a house, yet again, but it will take time to see if we can even make an offer. (We are making sure that we can rent out the basement apartment with the blessings of the city of Winona Lake. Brandon has to ask for a variance, which he can do before he buys...notify neighbors of possible changes; they don't have to like it, just be notified...The city council does not meet until the end of this month.) It is taking time, much time. Meanwhile back in grandma's basement (which is where our office is), I've been calling about renting apartments. We estimate we would only need to rent an apartment for 4 to 6 months at the most. Hardly anybody wants to rent to people with cats, no matter how much I tell them our cats are well behaved and well cared for. If they do rent short term and allow pets, the cost is outrageous!! The grandparents are great about allowing us to stay here, and they seem to enjoy our company. We are enjoying staying here, but do not want to wear out our welcome.

So, here we are. In this odd limbo daze.

I return to the scriptures and remind myself that God's got us. He goes before us and prepares a way. He makes rivers in the desert. Since he can make rivers in the desert, then I KNOW he can provide a simple house for us.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Back to Chestnut?

Brandon & I went with our realtor to check out this house. From the front it looks really small; however, it has over 3300 square feet!! It is a 3/4 bedroom 1 bath, with a 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment in the basement! These pictures do not do it justice, but you can get the general idea.
Chestnut Street is the street we lived on for 5 years. It is in Winona Lake, which is
basically an extension of Warsaw. Grace College is located just a few blocks from this street and the Village at Winona is just around the corner. Check out their websites for more pictures of the area. We like living in Winona Lake, and I've said that if I have to live in town, close to other people, then this is a really nice, safe, quiet place to live. There are hiking/biking trails just down the hill from us and a couple parks in the area.

This house was build in 1950ish and does need some repairs; however, it is a wonderful investment opportunity and has some unique features such as this second story porch, which is accessible through a bedroom upstairs.

The yard is small, which is fine with us. Less to mow.

The basement apartment galley kitchen.

The basement apartment living room with walkout door. The current owners are very creative with their painting. Those trees have been painted on the wall. Also, the picture below is for the upstairs bathroom. It is tropical themed. This picture does not do it justice. There are palm trees painted on the walls and the ceiling feels like it's actually a grass hut.

Main floor living room

Main floor galley kitchen and laundry. There is space in the back of the house to create a laundry room and open up the kitchen.

The main concern about renting out the basement is parking. There is limited parking space on Chestnust Street, but we have a couple plans for that. A big thank you to those who have been praying for us and sending us your thoughts of support and encouragement. I am believing God that we will move in (somewhere!) soon.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Edwards Reunion 2008

Brandon and I had a great time down home in Williamsburg, KY. I really enjoyed seeing cousins I have not seen in so long! Mom & Dad do this reunion at their farm every year; I think this is the third or fourth year in a row. Different family members come each year. Some try to come very year. We had about 160 attending last year, but only about half that this year. Good food and fellowship were had by all, even Peaches, Daddy's loyal yellow lab.

My mom & dad

Peaches, Daddy's loyal yellow lab. I call her Sis.

This is my cousin Toni. Ok, she is not really my cousin. She is my Aunt Betty's caregiver/nurse. Toni is awesome!

My precious Aunt Betty (Edwards) Enz. She has Parkinson's, BUT she has an amazing attitude and very sharp wit and sense of humor! She cracks me up! I love this woman!!

My 2nd cousin Kaylan Kopp Schwarberg.
We both love butterflies in an obsessive way!!

Uncle Carroll Edwards and his granddaughter Kaylan. He is 74!
He gets better lookin' every year!!

Jimmy Bates' tattoos. These are two of my favorites of his many tattoos.

Brandon's tattoo. It says "servant" in Hebrew. I love it.

My husband. He is so hot. I love that man!!

My second cousins:
Tre Bates, Brianna Kay Bates, Emory Edwards, Laney Edwards

My second cousins and Cooper Paul, Luke's girlfriend, Hayley Wilson's son.

First cuz Bill Edwards and 1st cuz-in-law Jimmy Bates, t
he daddies of the cute kids above!

Laney Edwards

Smoked lamb. Yuuuummm!!

Mmmmmm MEAT! Smoked lamb, smoked goat,
and Texas beef brisket.

All this food made me thankful to be an American!!

Desserts!!! A cousin made Orange Deamcicle Fudge! It was a-mazing!

1st cousin Teri Edwards Kopp (Kaylan's mom, Carroll's daughter)
Ms. Toni, 1st cuz-in-law Tanya Edwards

My Aunt Hiroko. She is married to my dad's oldest brother Dean Edwards.
They are Texans. I love this woman. She is in her 70s and is gorgeous!!

Stacey Edwards Wilhite & Kimberly Kay Edwards Bates

Brianna Bates, me & Darby Edwards (Tanya's daughter)

Disclaimer: Yes, Brandon and I broke our "diet"/nutritious eating habits. We totally pigged out. And, it was DEEEE-LISH!!!