I quit my job.
Yep, just up and quit.
Originally, I was planning on quitting after Christmas; that's what Hubby and I decided, and that's what I told my boss.
But, I could only take so much.
For the sake of maintaining my integrity, I will not give a detailed report. But, I will share this much: We took 6 days of holiday to Warsaw, IN, celebrating 2 Thanksgiving meals and a Christmas brunch, complete with presents. Time away gives one better perspective. I went back to work after much time off. The day back was horrible. I cried all the way home, then cried on Hubby's shoulder. Three weeks ago I thought I was pregnant, but wasn't. When I went back to work, I had a realization: Now I know why I thought I was pregnant... I haven't felt stress like this in a very long time. Work was making me sick. I felt nauseous, queasy, and my heart rate was up.
After a long chat, tears and prayer, we decided that I would quit, that we would trust God and
JUMP! This time last year we faced a similar event. Brandon was, well, not really let go, but left out of the scheduling at Ivy Tech, where he had been teaching math. (I taught English there, but left the year before for public school... long story...) We were upset, but felt that God was giving us baby birds a kick out of the nest... And now, yet another
KICK!.. It's a bit scary, but very exciting!!
Brandon is working 3rd shift at home because that is when the major currency exchange markets are open and moving. He will be "day" trading (during our night). Please pray with us for 10 pips a day. That my not mean much to you, but to us it is what we need and are believing God for!
Because Brandon is working 3rd shift at home, I have committed to keep the same hours. We believe strongly in working together and sleeping together, which is much simpler if I become a 3rd shift house wife. And, yes it is odd to do household chores at 4:00 a.m. We are still working out the weird hours, but are believing God that HE will take care of those details and bless us for our hard work.